Since 1999

I started Sunset Halters back in 1999, after I had been injured on the job. At that point, I was unemployeable, as my right shoulder muscles were torn from overuse. I'm very much a go-getter, and I just couldn't sit around.
I also had the most amazing Saddlebred, who was the worst puller I had ever seen. This created the 'perfect storm' for Sunset Halters to be born. As my shoulder slowly healed, I was able to tie more and more halters. What started as a hobby, making 3/8" diamond braid halters, quickly turned into a full time business with a 170+ page website, shipping retail and wholesale around the world.
My husband John and I have a couple wonderful kiddos, that are the apple of our eyes. They were diagnosed with a horrible disease, called spinal muscular atrophy. Sunset Halters has enabled me to be a work-at-home mom, homeschool, and take great care of our kiddos. I am SO grateful to God and our customers for this gift!
That said, I'm taking a 'pause' from Sunset Halters. I'm having some minor medical issues that need more attention than I can give them, running full-bore every day. I look forward to being back, refreshed, and running full steam ahead! Thank you for your grace and patience with this!
Karen Welch
"The thief comes not, but to kill and to steal and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." John 10:10
Sunset Halters is not responsible for misuse of products.
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