"The thief comes not, but to kill and to steal and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." John 10:10
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Since 1999

1/2" Yacht Braid Split Reins w/Quick Change Water Ties
Made from premium 1/2" polyester yacht braid rope made right here in Washington State. The quick change water ties are made with premium USA leather, by a talented leather worker in the Midwest.
The other end of the rein is back spliced and weighted, with a popper.
Rein length listed, is the total rein length-- from the beginning of the water ties, to the end of the popper.
These reins include two decorative knots per rein. Starting at $
< Rein colors

Click here, to customize your reins, by adding leather stamping to your popper.
Knot colors >
Click for larger view.
Popper Colors

The russet poppers are thicker than the burgundy & black poppers.