"The thief comes not, but to kill and to steal and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." John 10:10
Sunset Halters is not responsible for misuse of products.
©Sunset Halters 1999-2023. All Rights Reserved.
Since 1999

These browbands can be added on to both the sidepulls and haltermores. Great for gaited horses, or other horses that have alot of head action. Helps keep the poll strap from sliding back. If you need a different length, let us know!
1.Choose Haltermore Halter! 2.Choose Reins! 3. Choose Add-Ons!
1/16" Diamond Braid Accent Knot Colors
Add a Browband
You can also add a wrapped noseband, or extra noseband knots to your haltermore.

Browbands are available in assorted colors shown below. These are hand spliced and sewn directly onto your head gear, for a tight, sliding browband. They come complete with three decorative knots made from 1/16" diamond braid (for diamond braid haltermores), or accessory cord (shown-for halter cord/yacht braid haltermores). Those accent colors are shown below. Click on color charts for larger view. Starting at $
Browband Colors
Accessory Cord Accent Knot Colors

(for diamond braid halter/bridles and sidepulls)
(for halter cord & yacht braid halter/bridles & sidepulls)