"The thief comes not, but to kill and to steal and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." John 10:10
Sunset Halters is not responsible for misuse of products.
©Sunset Halters 1999-2023. All Rights Reserved.
Since 1999

5/8" Derby Roping Reins Use w/Slobber Straps Slobber straps sold separately, here.

This rope is top quality derby rope made in America- not China. Because it's higher quality, it has a tighter weave, making it a bit stiffer. It's mildew and rot resistant.
These are available in a ton of great colors shown below. You can choose from two poppers w/decorative knots, or two tassels w/decorative knots (shown). Starting at $12.65
Click here, to customize your reins, by adding leather stamping to your popper.

Click color chart for larger view of knot colors.
Click color chart for larger view.